Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kingdom Monera

Cell Type- Prokaryotic Cells; unicellular and multi-cellular

  • no nuecleus
  • cell wall
  • capsule
  • plasma membrane cytoplasm
  • DNA
  • ribosome
  • pili
  • flagellum
Metabolism - Majority of K. Monera are decomposers
  • heterotrophs- saprophytic and parasitic
  • autotrophic - photosynthetic and chemosynthetic
  • Symbiosis is defined as two or more organisms living together. It is common that one of the organisms lives in or on the other. 
  • Mutualism is where both organisms benefit from this association. 
  • Commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed. 
  • Parasitism is where one benefits by harming the other. 
  • Asexual- exact copy in produced in 30 minutes
  • Sexual - conjugation
Sample Organism
  • Escherichia Coli

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